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Winter Tips 5 Tips for Winter Horse Care
Added on Tue 7 Feb 2017

5 Tips for Winter Horse Care

For horse owners who live in regions with cold, icy winters, horse care can be particularly challenging this time of year. Whether caring for your own horses or horsesitting for others, keep these winter horse care tips in mind for healthy, happy horses all year-round.

1. Blanket Appropriately

Blanketing your horse can be an excellent way to keep him warm and dry, but keep in mind that not all blankets are created equal. Your horse’s living conditions during the winter will largely determine his blanketing needs.

First, always make sure that your horse is clean and dry before putting a blanket on him. Use turnout blankets for horses that will be outside in the elements, as these are waterproof. Stable blankets, on the other hand, are not waterproof and should only be used when your horse is inside.

You’ll also need to pay attention to the weather and switch out your horse’s blankets accordingly. If the temperature fluctuates significantly in your area, you may want to switch between a heavy turnout blanket and a medium or lightweight blanket depending on the weather. It’s also a good idea to periodically remove his blanket to check his body score and make sure he’s not losing too much weight.

2. Provide Enough Forage

A large part of what keeps your horse warm in cooler winter months is forage digestion. If your green pasture has turned into a white winter wonderland, you’re going to need to increase the amount of hay you offer your horse to ensure that he has sufficient fiber to keep him nice and warm, especially if he lives outside.

3. Manage Ice & Mud

Frozen water buckets, ice-filled hooves and muddy paddocks are common headaches for many barns in the winter. Double-check all water sources at least twice daily during cold weather snaps to make sure your horses have constant access to fresh, unfrozen water.

You should also pay close attention when picking out your horse’s hooves to remove ice chunks or excessive mud that could otherwise cause infection, lacerations, or other medical concerns.

5 Tips for Winter Horse Care

4. Warm Your Bit

If you’re going to be riding your horse in colder temperatures, allow yourself some extra preparation time. Warm your bit by placing it in a heated area such as a tack or observation room, or warm it in your hands or pocket before asking your horse to accept it.

5. Cool Down Properly

Just like humans, horses can get dangerously chilled when they work up a sweat in very cold conditions. After your ride, use a towel to dry any excess sweat, snow, or other moisture on your horse’s body. Then, use a breathable cooler or stable sheet to help keep your horse warm while he dries.

Once his body is no longer wet to the touch, you can put his regular blanket back on. Putting on a non-breathable blanket immediately after a sweaty ride can actually make your horse colder, as this material will not allow your horse to adequately dry.

The Bottom Line

Taking care of your horse in freezing temperatures often requires a little extra barn time, but following these tips for proper winter horse care will help to ensure that your four-legged friend stays warm, dry, and healthy all winter long.

If you’re planning a sunny getaway for yourself this winter, find a horse caretaker who has experience working and caring for horses in cold temperatures so you can rest assured that your horse is getting the knowledgeable care he deserves.

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